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Wir blicken auf mehr als 130 Jahre Firmentradition zurück!

Als traditionelles Familienunternehmen liegt es uns am Herzen, die Umwelt und ihre Ressourcen zu bewahren und auf eine nachhaltige Verarbeitung zu achten, damit unsere Produkte unsere Kunden ein Leben lang begleiten.
Zudem achten wir auf eine umweltschonende und schadstofffreie Verarbeitung sowie auf den Einsatz von recycelten Materialien.

Besondere Aufmerksamkeit gilt dabei den Schultaschen und Rucksäcken, die mit einem ergonomisch höhenverstellbaren Tragesystem ausgestattet sind. Geprüft, getestet und zertifiziert vom Karl Landsteiner Institut für Orthopädie.

Unsere gesamte Geschichte kannst Du hier nachlesen.

Schneiders begleitet ein Leben lang!

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✔ 3 year guarantee + 1 year when subscribing to the newsletter ✔ fast delivery ✔ secure payment ✔ FREE shipping from €50!


I appreciate Schneiders Vienna for the professional and reliable cooperation. We are particularly impressed by the range of products and quality when it comes to bags and school.

- Wiener lines

We at Bayer in Austria have been working with Schneiders in the procurement area for many years and greatly value the cooperation and exchange. The collaboration is highly professional and solution-oriented - this makes Schneiders a valuable business partner for us.

- Bavarian

We source our sought-after and colorful fabric bags from Schneiders. We are very satisfied with both the quality and the support and cooperation.

- Facultas

We have come to know the Schneiders family as reliable suppliers!

- Otto Bock

OeKB has valued the high product quality and service orientation as well as the values ​​of this Austrian family business for many years.


100% reliable in terms of quality and delivery reliability as well as excellent customer service.

- Schiebel

We have been in more than just good hands with our projects at Schneiders for several years. Our personal contacts are available around the clock to answer our concerns and are always available to suggest solutions. The word NO doesn't exist at Schneiders - we were able to implement every idea together, no matter how crazy it was, and create unique products. We are very happy to be part of Schneider's customer base.

- Masters of Dirt/Masters of Merch

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